Sunday Salad August 1...after farming

Basically the last several months have been consumed with WJ Farm, a half acre farm at the corner of NJ and K Streets NW, that is on the campus of Walker Jones Educational Campus, a DC Public School.  The last couple weeks however have been obsessive–  a couple weeks ago after a whole lot of talk we finally broke ground and since that time I have spent as much time as possible at the farm.  This morning was beautiful and we arrived early, 6 hours flew by weeding and talking.  We were so engrossed that we did not realize how much time had passed or how hungry we were.  On the way home we stopped at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market and bought pretty much one of each vegetable available, all were made into a huge summertime salad which we enjoyed by the forkful on slices of left over bread I had baked yesterday.

Today's August Salad:

fresh butter beans (I covered these with water, brought them to a boil, cooked for about 2 minutes, drained them and immediately cooled them with cold water), sliced huge yellow and orange heirloom tomato, sliced white peach, lots of chopped parley and basil plus a little oregano from our garden, spinach, raw corn cut off the cob, sliced small cucumbers, sliced raw okra from our garden, great Italian olive oil, a drop of balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper to taste

All the ingredients were tossed together in a large bowl, seasoned and consumed.  This is my favorite summertime meal which is never the same twice.

If you have a moment and interest come check out The WJ Farm just to see what is going on or to work...Let me know when you are coming and I will meet you there.