We have been cooking a lot this winter and that means that most weeks I have been speaking with my friends at Oregon Mushrooms, a small company run by a husband and wife team. Much of the year our ingredients come from close by but mid-winter the local pickings are slim. We supplement local root vegetables and cold hardy greens with fruit from warm climates and wild mushrooms and truffles from Oregon and Europe. For the last couple of weeks we have been getting small fed ex packages containing delicious and laborious to clean wild black trumpet mushrooms. We have also been shaving Oregon black truffles over mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and chicken from Eco Friendly Foods.
This week with my Oregon Mushroom order I got a present of a huge French Perigord truffle in addition to the mushrooms and truffles that I had ordered. We served generous portions of truffles at the two Home Restaurants this weekend but still had left over truffles this morning. To preserve the left over truffle which will go bad if not used quickly I put it in the food processor with some French Sea Salt. Pureeing the truffles in the salt preserves them and makes a delicious condiment for nearly anything, think– popcorn, salad, roasted potatoes...