Plants in my garden are carefully chosen. I do not have any extra space for plants that do not produce lots of food or flowers that I can cut. Lilac does not fit my usual plant profile– it needs a fair amount of space, produces a few flowers very briefly once a season, does not look very good when it is not in bloom and needs to be pruned before July 4th in this area if you want it to produce flowers the following year.
Regardless I have a Madame Lemoine lilac bush, tucked in a back corner near where extra pots and tools are stored. It is essential because it's short lived blooms bring me so much pleasure. The warm weather yesterday resulted in an explosion of full, sweet smelling white blooms.
A country dance was being held in a garden I felt a bump and heard an "Oh, beg your pardon" Suddenly I saw polka dots and moonbeams All around a pug-nosed dream
The music started and was I the perplexed one I held my breath and said "May I have the next one?" In my frightened arms, polka dots and moonbeams Sparkled on a pug-nosed dream
There were questions in the eyes of other dancers As we floated over the floor There were questions but my heart knew all the answers And perhaps a few things more
Now in a cottage built of lilacs and laughter I know the meaning of the words "Ever after" And I'll always see polka dots and moonbeams When I kiss the pug-nosed dream
Polka Dots and Moonbeams by Jimmy Van Heusen and Johny Burke (a favorite version is by Cassandra Wilson also enjoy the one by Sarah Vaughan and another by Ella Fitzgerald)