Sauternes, Olive Oil, Pistachio Torte with Frozen Black Truffle and Local Strawberries

Oregon black truffle season is coming to a close, local strawberries are plentiful, the cross roads of these two seasons made me think about this combination.  It seemed to be a good end to a spring Home Restaurant meal. I will come back to this combination during the month of May in years to come.

Sauternes, Olive Oil, Pistachio Torte

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup whole wheat flour

1 cup finely pureed pistachio

1 tablespoon baking powder

2 teaspoon salt

1 1/4 cup pureed silken tofu

1 1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 cup plus 2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

1 cup sauternes

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Spray individual silicone cake molds.

In a medium bowl, thoroughly combine the flour, pistachios, baking powder and salt to thoroughly combine them and set aside.

Place the tofu in the bowl of a mixer and add the sugar.  Mix until thoroughly combined. Add the olive oil and mix until light in color and slightly thick, about 45 seconds. Add the sauternes and mix until thoroughly combined.

Add the dry ingredients to the bowl and mix until thoroughly combined and smooth.

Pour the batter into the prepared molds, and bake the cake for about 15 to  minutes until cake tests clean and begins to pull away from the sides of the mold.

Frozen Black Truffle

1 cup young coconut water

1 cup young coconut meat

3 cups coconut milk

1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons coconut butter

1 cup agave nectar

2 ounces black truffle (I used Oregon but could use French)

1 teaspoon himalyan salt

Combine all the ingredients in a high speed blender.  Let mixture sit in refrigerator for 24 hours to give the flavors a chance to meld.

Chill and freeze in an ice cream maker.

Candied Pistachio

1 cup chopped pistachio

2 tablespoons agave nectar

1/2 teaspoon himalyan salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Place pistachios, agave nectar and salt on a baking tray and stir.  Place in oven and stir every few minutes until the mixture become a deep golden brown.  Remove from the oven and stir every few minutes while the nuts are cooling to prevent them from sticking to the baking tray.

To Assemble

Top torte with a scoop of frozen black truffle, candied pistachios and a generous amount of sliced strawberries.