Anyone who has eaten at a Home Restaurant or knows me at all has heard me rave about Path Valley. Just after they were formed, nearly two decades ago, we connected with the cooperative of Amish farmers and they have been our primary source for produce ever since. Yesterday with the weeks order list we got a note:
Yay! It is March and the weather is being predictable for once. The winds are perfect for kite flying and the kids have been really busy running around "catching the breeze" and "adding more tail" and generally enjoying the weather. Spring has never seemed so welcome.All of the growers have been busy placing seed orders and tilling and preparing for a busy growing season. Month after month we do more business than ever and with the increase in business comes an increase in WORK and we are all ready to work.All of us are super appreciative of being able to grow produce at home. This keeps families at home, specifically, it keeps the guys at home.This is far preferable than working out as a day laborer or at the local pallet shop. There is a strong current of gratitude that I don't often mention and yet it is a fact that we all appreciate growing produce for you and engaging in such grounding and rewarding labor.Thank you for supporting our family farms.