Detox Class with Davina

IMG_6677 Today Davina Sandground and I spent the morning teaching a detoxification class.  We talked about how to avoid some common toxins, our bodies natural detox process and foods that help your body detox efficiently.  We made a bunch of recipes and tasted foods that incorporated key ingredients. Below is what we cooked and ate today.

Detox Shake (Adjust these ingredients to your taste but these are basic guidelines to start with)

1/4 Avocado, ½ Apple, 4 Brazil Nuts, ¼ cup Blueberries (fresh or frozen), ¼ cup Cilantro, small piece fresh Ginger peeled, 1 cup strong Green Tea, 2 tablespoons Hemp Seeds, 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice, ¼ cup Ice

-Combine all ingredients except for the ice in a blender and process until smooth. Add ice and blend until thoroughly combined.  If you want it sweeter add a couple dates.

Hot Ginger

Ginger Root (a piece approximately 1” long), 4 cups filtered Water

-Roughly chop the ginger (no need to peel), cover with water and bring to a simmer, and let simmer for at least 15 minutes but up to 30 minutes. I use the same pieces of ginger for 2-3 batches even though each batch is a bit weaker than the one before it is still delicious.

Basil Lemon Water

1 cup loosely packed Basil leaves, 1 Lemon ½ juiced and ½ cut into rounds, 8 cups filtered Water

-Place all ingredients in a glass container. Place in refrigerator for 2 hours to 2 days. The longer the basil and lemon is in the water the more pronounced the flavor will become.

Spicy Grapefruit Relish with Spring Onion

1 Grapefruit- sections removed, 1 Spring Onion very thinly sliced, 1 teaspoon Cider Vinegar, Cayenne or fresh Hot Pepper to taste, pinch of Salt

-Combine all ingredients and eat immediately or store in refrigerator up to one week.

Quick Preserved Lemon

1 Lemon thinly sliced, 1/8 teaspoon Salt, 1/8 teaspoon Honey, Olive Oil

-Combine lemon, salt and honey. Let sit at room temperature for 3-5 hours. Place lemon mixture in a jar and cover with olive oil. Store in refrigerator up to 2 weeks.

 Quick Creamy Fennel and Kohlrabi Slaw

1 cup shaved Fennel, 1 cup shaved Kohlrabi, 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric (or more to taste), 1/2 teaspoon Mustard Seeds (or more to taste), ¼ cup Greek Yogurt, 2 teaspoons Lemon Juice, 1 teaspoon Olive Oil, Salt and Black Pepper to taste

- Combine all ingredients thoroughly. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate until ready to serve


1 head Cabbage cut in 4- heart removed and leaves separated and cut into approximately 1-2 inch slices, 1 cup shaved Radish, 2 tablespoons Salt dissolved in 4 cups Water (or more if necessary to cover cabbage and radish),1 Apple thinly sliced, 1 teaspoon Garlic minced (or more to taste), 2 teaspoons Ginger Root finely chopped (or more to taste), 2 sheets Nori broken into small pieces, thinly sliced Hot Pepper or cayenne or spice of your choice.

-Place cabbage and radish in a glass or ceramic bowl. Cover with salt water mixture (if necessary add a bit more water so cabbage is covered). Place a plate on top of cabbage to keep all leaves submerged and let sit at room temperature overnight.

-Drain and rinse cabbage thoroughly. Add remaining ingredients and massage leaves so flavoring is fully incorporated. Taste and make any adjustment to seasoning. Place all ingredients in a glass jar with a lid and make sure that all is submerged in liquid (top off with a bit of water if necessary). Check every day to see if there is a slight pop when you open your jar. This will show that the fermentation process has begun. Leave at room temperature for one day after fermentation begins and then place in refrigerator.

Raw Brussel Sprout Salad with Preserved Lemon and Avocado

2 cups finely chopped Brussel Sprouts, 1 teaspoon finely chopped Chives, 2 tablespoons Preserved Lemon (see recipe above), 1 cup finely chopped Parsley, 1 Avocado sliced, Salt and freshly ground Black Pepper to taste

-Combine all ingredients thoroughly massaging with your fingers to make sure it is totally combined. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate for later.

Detox Casserole

2 cups Kale finely chopped, Olive Oil, Salt and freshly ground Black Pepper to taste, 2 cups Shallots peeled and chopped, 1 cup Basil leaves, 2 cups Artichoke Hearts from fresh, frozen or canned cut into ¼’s, 1/2 cup Hemp seeds, 1/2 cup Brazil nuts, 2 cups Cauliflower chopped

-Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

-Place kale in a casserole pan approximately 9” x 12” and season to taste with olive oil, salt and pepper. Season shallots with olive oil, salt and pepper and spread them evenly over the kale. Top shallots with a layer of basil leaves. Top basil with artichoke hearts.

-In a food processor combine the hemp seeds, brazil nuts, 2 teaspoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon water, salt and pepper to taste. Process until it becomes a spreadable mixture you can add additional water if necessary. Spread nut mixture over the artichoke hearts.

-Season cauliflower with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and place on top of the nut mixture.

-Cover casserole and cook for 45 minutes. Remove top, turn oven to broil and cook for a few additional minutes until top is browned. Serve hot or room temperature.

Sugar Class today with Davina Sandground

powerbar An inspiring group joined Davina Sandground of Nutrition Groove and I today for a Sugar Workshop.  Davina talked about what sugar does to our bodies, hidden sugar in foods, sugar addiction and strategies to reduce sugar in our diets.  I cooked foods based on Davina's recommendations–– high protein low sugar breakfasts, bitter deep green leafy vegetables that actually help quell sugar cravings, low sugar snacks that fuel you between meals and a couple recipes using sweet vegetables that can also help curb sugar urges.

Below are recipes of what we cooked and ate.


This keeps for a couple weeks if you store it in an airtight container.

quinoa, 3 cups cooked, coconut flakes unsweetened, 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds1/2 cup brown sesame seeds, 1/4 cup hemp seeds, 1/2 cup ground chia seeds, 1/2 cup chopped hazelnuts, 3/4  cups sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup coconut oil, 2 tablespoons salt

Combine all ingredients on a sheet tray and place in 105 degree oven.  Stir every couple hours until dry, about 6 hours.  Serve with almond milk.


1/2 teaspoons coconut oil, 1 cup chopped bok choy, 2/3 cup edamame, 1/2 cup cooked black or brown rice, 1 tablespoon brown sesame seeds,  1 teaspoon rice vinegar (not seasoned), salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

  1. Heat a heavy bottom skillet over medium heat.  Add coconut oil and bok choy and cook stirring often for 1 minute.
  2. Add the edamame, rice and sesame seeds.  Cook stirring often until thoroughly heated, about 3 minutes.
  3. Add sesame, vinegar, salt and pepper and serve immediately.


Serves 4, Prep Time: 5 minutes, Total Time: 5 minutes

4 cups finely chopped kale, ½ cup rough chopped basil, 1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice, 2 teaspoons olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, 1 avocado diced

In a large bowl combine the kale, basil, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper and herbs. Mix thoroughly using your fingers to make sure kale is completely coated. You can make it up to this point cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Before serving add avocado and toss lightly.


It is hard to find a protein bar that has more grams of protein than sugar.  This one has twice as many grams of protein than sugar.  In class I used 85% chocolate which for me is perfect but if you want more sweetness try a 70% or 75% chocolate.

1 cups oats, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, 1/4 cup almond butter, 2 tablespoonscoconut butter melted, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds, 1/4 cup roughly chopped cashew, 1/4 cup sunflower seeds,  1/2 teaspoon sea salt, 3 ounces chopped bittersweet chocolate 70%- 85%

  1. In a food processor place the oats, cocoa powder, peanut butter, coconut butter, water, pumpkin seeds, cashews and sunflower seeds and salt.
  2. Process until thoroughly combined and it sticks together in a ball.  Add the chopped chocolate and mix until just combined.
  3. Roll into logs with a 1 1/2 inch diameter.  Wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate.  Slice servings off with a sharp knife as needed.  Or slice and bake in a 350 degree oven until the outside is crispy, about 15 minutes.


This is my go to snack.  I make it with tahini, almond butter, peanut butter…

2 tablespoons nut butter or tahini, 1 teaspoon cider vinegar, 1/4 teaspoontamari, water, sliced cucumber or carrot or sweet pepper

In a small bowl combine the nut butter, vinegar and tamari.  Add enough water until mixture is smooth but still thick, about 1 tablespoon.

Serve with the vegetables.

SLAW Serves 4

1 cup shredded cabbage, 1 bulb fennel shredded, 1 beet peeled and shredded, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoon cider vinegar, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

  1. In a small bowl combine oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
  2. In a large bowl place beets, fennel and cabbage.  Toss thoroughly with vinegar mixture.
  3. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.


3 cups peeled and rough chopped carrots, 1/4 cup roughly chopped cashews, 1 large or 2 small leaves of sage, 1/4 teaspoon salt, Freshly ground black pepper to taste

  1. In a large pot place carrots, cashews and sage.  Add 4 cups water and bring to a boil.  Reduce to a simmer and cook until carrots are tender, about 7 minutes.
  2. Place carrot mixture, salt and pepper in a high speed blender and process until very smooth, about 1 minute.
  3. Serve hot or cold.  If the soup is too thick add a few tablespoons of water.

Links to two previous sugar workshops with additional recipes:

Food and Garden Tour in Paris, Paris By Mouth

13464627173_cc2092961f_o Catherine, a friend of ours moved to Paris to edit Paris By Mouth, if you are not familiar–– check it out.  Part of her job is to host food and wine tours in the city.  Martin Lane and I recently went on a quick trip to Paris and we were fortunate to have Catherine take us around the Marche d'Aligre and surrounding neighborhood.  Her in-depth knowledge of food and history made us see places we had visited before with fresh eyes and introduced us to gems that we had previously walked by not even knowing they existed!

A few of the many highlights:

We met at Ble Sucre a new to me patisserie/boulangarie that a former pastry chef from a 3 star michelin restaurant opened a few year ago.  We got a memorable loaf of grainy bread with millet and flax seeds.

We walked the Promenade Plantee and elevated garden that is nearly 3 miles long and runs along abandoned raised railway tracks.  The timing was perfect with spring foliage and flowers just emerging including white wisteria.

From there we dipped into the Marche d'Aligre and visited a few of Catherine's favorite spots in the market and surrounding square two of my favorites:

La Graineterie du Marche the oldest shop in the area selling grains for humans and birds, seeds to plant spices, a few kitchen tools... we left with some candies that were a precursor to the marshmallow with a slight anise flavor, a two sided old fashioned madeline mold and some arugula seeds that are already sprouting in our garden in DC.

Le Garde Manger an Alsacian shop where we stocked up on presents of jams–– rhubarb vanilla, strawberry mint and black pepper, green tomato...

We wandered around the market feasting on a variety of strawberries, gariguette which I learned were an early spring variety.

On our way to lunch Catherine took us to a small made in France shoe store, La Botte Gardiane another not to be missed new discovery.

From there a perfect low key lunch at a nearby wine bar, A La Renaissance.

Last stop of the morning was Alain Ducasse's new bean to bar chocolate factory, La Manufacture–– perfect!

Thank you Catherine.



Open Dinner Last Night, March 14, 2014

0017Photo: Kate Headley Lovely evening thanks to fabulous guests and the promise of spring in the air!


Shad Roe on Corncake with Sorrel, Lamb Shoulder with Gremolata, Veal Sweetbreads on Fingerling Potato, Brussel Sprouts with Pickled Ginger, Beets Roasted with Balsamic and Peanuts

Bay Leaf Lemon Vodka Cocktail, Domaine La Blaque Rose Pierrevert 2012


Pacific Cod with Leeks, Pea Shoots and Saffron Broth– Buckwheat Bread

Domaine Grosbot Barbara San Pourcain Rouge 'Chambre d'Edouard' 2011

Black Trumpet Mushrooms with Arugula, Mizuna and Seeds-– 48 Hour Farm Bread

Domaine Roux Bourgogne Blanc 2012

Chicken Braised in Red Wine Stuffed with Black Truffles, Shallots, Mashed Celery Root and Radish Sprouts– Rosemary Spelt Bread

Mas d'Alezon Faugeres 'Montfalette' 2011

Grayson Cheese on Walnut Cracker

Rhubarb, Coconut and Orange Trifle with Candied Cashews

Tissot Cremant Blanc

Bites: Pistachio Coconut Macaroon, Popcorn Chocolate Chip, Chococlate Cake with Cocoa Nibs

Take Home: Chocolate Sesame Shortbread

My New Book– The Pescetarian Plan, Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D. with recipes by Sidra Forman

Pescetarian Plan Available today, The Pescetarian PlanThe Vegetarian + Seafood Way to Lose Weight and Love your Food.  Full of Janis' deep nutrition knowledge simply communicated, beautiful photos by Kate Headley and about 100 straight forward everyday recipes.

Check out our brand new website with information about health/nutrition and sustainable seafood choices, recipes and links to buy the book.

Valentines Day Dinner 2014

valentine post  















Photo Kate Headley

We had so much fun last night hosting our first open Home Restaurant in months.  Full House, Fabulous group––  Already looking forward to the next!

We ate and drank:


Shad Roe on Corncake with Sorrel, Chicken with Turnips and Hong Vit Micro Greens, Beef Bresaola with Celery Root, Veal Sweetbreads with Lemon and Salsify, Balsamic Glazed Beets with Peanuts, Caramelized Carrots and Black Sesame

Bay Leaf Vodka Cocktail, Domaine La Blaque Coteaux de Pierrevert Rose 2012


Wood Grilled Lamb Chop with Girasol, Saffron and Leek, Olive Oil Spelt Bread (vegan: Wood Grilled Cauliflower)

Le Clos du Caillou "Le Caillou" Cotes du Rhone 2012

Wild Mushrooms with Winter Greens, Sesame, Poppy and Hemp Seeds, Buckwheat Millet Bread

Vincent Dampt Petit Chablis 2012

Rockfish with Shallots Braised in Red Wine, Purple Potatoes and Mustard Greens, 48 Hour Bread (vegan: Carrot Sauce, Giant White Lima Beans and Pumpkin Seed Relish)

Michel Noellat Bourgogne Rouge 2011

Oma Cheese and Walnut Crackers (vegan: Cashew Cheese)

Red Velvet Cake with Chocolate Ganache, Frozen Pink Coconut and Cocoa Nibs

Tissot Cremant du Jura Rose Extra Brut

Bites: Heart Shortbread, Chocolate Chip Pistachio, Popcorn Oatmeal, Seeded Macaroon

Heart Healthy Class with Davina Sandground

IMG_0587 Davina Sandground and I taught another workshop at her house today, Heart Health.   Much of the class concentrated on the importance of including and excluding certain foods in your diet for optimum heart health.  We prepared and ate several simple recipes full of heart healthy foods.

Beet and Celery Juice (about 1/4 beet to 3/4 celery)

Pomegranate and Quinoa Salad (In a large bowl combine 2 cups cooked quinoa, 1 cup pomegranate seeds, 1 cup finely chopped parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.  Serve room temperature or chilled.)

Roasted Sweet Potato with Avocado and Chive (Heat oven to 375 degrees, slice sweet potatoes into rounds 1/8″ thick and season with grape seed oil, salt and pepper.  Place potato on a sheet tray and roast until tender, approximately 7 minutes.  Remove from oven and serve tossed with sliced avocado and chopped chives.)

Kidney Beans Braised with Leeks and Celery Root (Heat oven to 375 degrees, in a large bowl combine 2 cups cooked kidney beans, 1 cup finely shaved leeks, 1 cup shredded celery root, 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.  Place in a skillet, cover and bake for 1 hour.)

Salmon Baked in Paper with Cabbage, Beets, Fennel and Carrot (Heat oven to 375 degrees, in a large bowl combine 1 cup shaved cabbage, 1 cup shaved beets, 1 cup fennel and 1 cup shaved carrots.  Dress with 2 teaspoons olive oil, 2 teaspoons cider vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.  Set aside.  Season the salmon with olive oil, salt and pepper.  Place in parchment paper and make an envelope.  Place on a sheet tray and bake until flakey but still bright orange in the middle, about 5 minutes.  Serve salmon hot, room temperature or chilled over the vegetables.)

Roasted Broccoli with Shallot and Toasted Flax Seeds (In a large bowl combine 4 cups finely chopped broccoli, 1 cup roasted shallot chopped, 3 tablespoons toasted ground flax seeds, 2 teaspoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon sherry vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.  Serve immediately or cover, refrigerate and serve chilled.)

Frozen Banana with Cocoa Powder and Toasted Walnuts (In a food processor combine 2 bananas sliced and frozen, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder.  Pulse on and off until mixture is creamy.  Serve immediately topped with chopped toasted walnuts.)

A 1508 Wedding

photo 1 Earlier this month we had the honor of hosting another wedding at our Home Restaurant.  This was a lunch–– many but not all of the guests were vegan–– as a result we designed a menu with some passing meat/fish/poultry items and once seated all vegan.

I love assisting with all aspects of this joyous events in this case from menu, flowers, chuppah, wine selection….  We have another wedding scheduled for this spring and are very much looking forward to it.

Menu–– Wedding Lunch, Sunday January 12, 2014

PASSING–– Bresaola with Fig, Chicken with Caramelized Onion and Sweet Potato, Sablefish and Sorrel, Roasted Baby Beet with Peanuts, Brussel Sprout with Pickled Ginger, Cabbage stuffed with Salsify and Black Walnut

SEATED–– Winter Greens with Celery, Avocado and Yellow Footed Chanterelle (48 Hour Farm Bread)

Baked White Lentil and Root Vegetable Gratin with, Chard, Leek and Black Truffle (Walnut Spelt Bread)

Wedding Cake–– White Cake with Chocolate Ganache, Buttercream Frosting and Frozen Coconut

Bites: Chocolate Chocolate Chip Drops, Sugar Cookies, Sweet and Salty Pumpkin Seeds

La Cocotera, Barra de Santiago, El Salvador

IMG_1878 IMG_1984 IMG_2143 IMG_1548 IMG_1568 IMG_1574 We had the good fortune to celebrate the new year at La Cocotera in Barra de Santiago, El Salvador.  

The property is on a peninsula so you have access to the pacific ocean on one side and an estuary on the other.  Because of the orientation you can watch both the sunrise and sunset over the ocean...

small hotel with six waterfront rooms, the most gracious welcoming staff I have ever encountered, salt water pool, climbed a volcano, mangroves adjacent to the property where we saw all sorts of flora and fauna including an alligator, visited small towns where we saw coffee beans being picked/ furniture being built/ fabric being made, fabulous meals that incorporated local fish and produce but also vegan versions of some traditional El Salvadorian dishes that we would have otherwise missed out on, released baby sea turtles into the ocean…..

I look forward to the return visit.

The Last Textile Museum Wedding, Photo by Kate Headley

The Textile Museum in DC is moving from its home in Kalorama to the George Washington University campus.  I will miss doing flowers for weddings at the stunning historic home that was built in the early 1900's. Flowers: polo rose, creme de la creme rose, peach campanella rose, sahara rose, double freesia, seeded eucalyptus.

Stunning bride!  Thanks Kate Headley for the photo.
